About learning and other journeys. PS2, Belfast

Artist films from Northern Ireland

Simon Aeppli, Michael Hanna, Jacqueline Holt, Paul MooreEnds 17 September 2022

About learning and other journeys shows a selection of films by four artist filmmakers, Simon Aeppli, Michael Hanna, Jacqueline Holt and Paul Moore, whose work is centred in Northern Ireland.
Although all different in their practice, they share a sense of exploration, not just in a geographical sense through journeys to their close environment, landscapes, towns or archives, but they also reveal a deep interest in understanding the social landscape, the rituals and manners of people. 

The short films present a kaleidoscopic view and interpretation of past and present social histories in Northern Ireland, layers of stories of personal lives and political realities. In their individual positions and artistic approach, the films give a portrait of the region and its citizens in a highly reflective, questioning manner.


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